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Showing posts from April, 2019

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar's Amazing Facts, History, Region, Biography.

Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar some Amazing Facts - Did You Know      T oday, you will know such intresting facts about Babasaheb Ambedkar that you don't known.     Bharat Ratna Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar (Babasaheb) is known as a world-class Social Reformer, Lawyer, Inadian Jurist, economist and dalit politician leader. Dr. Ambedkar who inspired the dalit buddist movement and compaged against social discrimination towards the untochables. Chief Architect of Indian Constitution. In this article we have covererd some famous & secrets facts about the Dr. Ambedkar. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar | Biography, Reign, & Facts | Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar | History, Reign, & Facts | General Information About Dr. B. R. Ambedkar :-

[BEST] Octopus Secrets Facts you didn't

Octopus best secrets facts you didn't know. octopus | History,Images & Facts | Sea giant octopus 10 most amazing facts :- आइए जानते है, अष्टभुजा ( ऑक्टोपस ) से जुड़े कुछ रोचक तथ्य (Octopus Facts for kidz ) :- #Facts No. 1 :- The octopus is an eight-foot water body animal . #Facts No. 2 : The octopus is small in size 2.5 cm and the big 9.7m is big . #Facts No. 3 :- There are about 50 species of octopus genus . #Facts No. 4 :- This animal eats out a liquid like ink to save itself.  You Also Read >>: [BEST] 10+ Key WhatsApp Secrets You Didn't Know

[BEST] 10+ Google Assistant Secrets Facts You Didn't Know.

GOOGLE ASSISTANT FACTS YOU DIDN’T KNOW. GOOGLE ASSISTANT | History,Google & Facts | GOOGLE ASSISTANT 10+ AMAZING FACTS. :- आइए जानते है, गूगल असिस्टेंट से जुड़े कुछ रोचक तथ्य (Google Assistant Facts) :- Facts No. 1 :- Google Assistant was announced on May 18, 2016, but it actually started on September 21, 2016 Facts No. 2 :- Google Assistant is also called Google Allo or Google ello . Facts No. 3 :- Google Assistant was first in English only, but now available in German, Hindi, Indonesian, Ilativi, French, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish and other languages . Facts No. 4 :- Google assistant develope by Instant Messaging works like WhatsApp .  You Also Read >>: [BEST] 10+ Key WhatsApp Secrets You Didn't Know GOOGLE ASSISTANT :- Facts No. 5 :- According to Google's report, the number of users of Google Assistant app in India is increasing rapidly. Facts No. 6 :- Google Allo in android ,

[BEST] 10+ Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Biography in Hindi- Facts, Life History & Achievements|

CHHATRAPATI SHIVAJI MAHARAJ FACTS YOU DIDN’T KNOW. Shivaji | Biography, Reign, & Facts | CHHATRAPATI SHIVAJI MAHARAJ LIFE 10+ AMAZING FACTS. आइए जानते है, छत्रपति शिवाजी से जुड़े कुछ रोचक तथ्य (Chhatrapati Shivaji Facts) :- Facts No. 1 :- CHHATRAPATI SHIVAJI MAHARAJ janm 19 February 1630 me shivneri kile ( durg ) mein hua tha. Facts No. 2 :- Raje Shivaji ko Chhatrapati Shivaji aur Shivaji Raje Bhosale naam se jana jata hai. Facts No. 3 :- Lahanpanapasunach Shivaji ka vyaktitva bhahut aakarshit tha, jis vajah se unase milane wala har koi unse prabhavit ho jata tha. Facts No. 4 :- Shivaji Maharaj apani ma JIJABAI se bahut pyar karte the, isliye we unaki har aanya mante the. You Also Read >>: [BEST] 10+ Key WhatsApp Secrets You Didn't Know SHIVAJI MAHARAJ :- Facts No. 5 :- Shivaji ne bachpan se hi shasak varg ki krurata dekhi thi jis vajah se unke man me krur ko ukhad fekane ke vichar shuru ho gaye. Facts No. 6 :- SHIVAJI MAHARAJ ka vi

[BEST] 10+ Pandas Amazing Facts : The wild Animal

Related >>: [BEST] 10+ Facts about Rabbits did you know? Wild Animal : Pandas Panda Today we have discusse about a beautiful and funny not only Wild but also Pet Animal . Theirs name is Panda . Pandas body look like bear then it's called panda bear or simply Panda. Pandas are most interesting fact . Know more about pandas, Let's start.. Types Of Pandas :- Pandas are two types 1. Giant Pandas and seconds is 2. Red Pandas. Giant Pandas :- Giant pandas know as wild animals , because they live in like jungle . Some giant pandas live as pets animals. Giant pandas body looks like a Bear. At the very beginning the giant panda referred to the "Lesser Panda" but now refers the name of "Panda'. Wild pandas live only in small pockets of land in southwestern China . The panda spends 14-16 hours a day eating bamboo . Giant pandas body color is black and white. Giant Panda "Did you know

[BEST] 10+ Key Facts You Didn't Know About WhatsApp.

10+ Secret of WhatsApp you do not know - Facts™ Secret of WhatsApp did you know - WhatsApp Image           F riends, I welcome Raj Patil in this article. If you also use WhatsApp, then one thing you must know about WhatsApp Secrets. You know that today, has become an integral part of our lives.        L et's know about WhatsApp Secrets !! 10+ WhatsApp Facts : - " WatsaApp Inc. located in Mountain view, California. Facebook Inc. was bought WhatsApp for around $ 19 billion on 19 february 2014. " Related >>: Amazing Facts about Panda's the Wild Animals " According to the condition of September 2015, WhatsApp is the second most popular Instant Messenger in the world with more than 90 million subscribers on WhatsApp. " " According to WhatsApp's reports, 1.5 b

[BEST] 10+ Rabbits Facts : The Pets Animals

Introduction : - ससा (हिंदी में:खरगोश, इंग्लिश में: Rabbit, also known as Bunny) . खरगोश कि एक नीरस , आकर्षक और शांत खरगोश की उपस्थिति हमारी आंखों के सामने दिखाई देती है। खरगोश (खरगोश) पूरी तरह से शाकाहारी जानवर है। आप पृथ्वी पर विभिन्न प्रकार के ससे देख सकते हैं। ससा हा पालतू तसेच जंगली जानवरों में से एक हैं। खरगोश अतिशय सुंदर और मनमोहक होते हैं। खरगोश हा खूपच भित्रट हैं। Rabbit;Fact No.:Sn6-D_¶rajTGLSci. Did you know : - RABBITS really do live up to the phrase ‘breeding like rabbits’, as they can produce between 20 – 40 babies a year. हिंदी : - ससा हा खरहारूपी गण  के  खरहादृष्ट  कुल  के,  खरहा  और  पिका  के साथ, छोटे  स्तनधारी  हैं।  खनखरहा ओरीक्टोलैगस क्यूनिकुलस ( Oryctolagus cuniculus )   में  यूरोपीय ख़रगोश  और उसके वंशज , पालतू ख़रगोश की दुनिया की ३०५ नस्ले शामिल हैं। सिल्वीखरहा( Sylvilagusincludes) में तेरह(13) वन्य ख़रगोश शामिल हैं, जिनमें से सात कपासपुच्छ (cot